Mindstep Small Grant - Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund

Ollie with his art therapy box

Every year, we support other small charities with their incredible mental health work.

For Children’s Mental Health Week, we have supported Lennox Children's Cancer Fund and their Early Intervention Mental-wellbeing Scheme (EIMS), which provides emotional support to children with cancer and their families from diagnosis.

Our £1,250 grant will provide 3 x Play, Sensory and Art Therapy Treasure Boxes, encouraging children to express their thoughts and feelings through play and creation. Ollie (pictured) is making fantastic progress using art therapy. It will also provide 10 free counseling hours for children undergoing treatment and their families.

Trusts and Foundation Officer, Joe Kavanagh said:

We at the Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund are absolutely delighted to have the backing of the Mindstep Foundation in our quest to change the lives of young people in South Wales going through the anguish and worry of a cancer diagnosis.

EIMS (Early Intervention Mental wellbeing Scheme) through its counselling and art therapy will offer rapid and long lasting help to children pinpointed as needing urgent mental health support. Only through trusts such as yours can we make an invaluable difference

Thank you to @lennoxccf for supporting children with cancer in South Wales and our fundraisers for making the grant possible.


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