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The Mindstep Ultra Marathon

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On Men’s Health Awareness Week, James Smith and Rudi Lewis announced The Mindstep Ultra Marathon. On the 18th/ 19th July, the pair will be undertaking the challenge which consists of running a 4.2 mile loop on the hour every hour for as long as they can endure.

James Smith, Max’s brother-in-law said “My good friend Rudi and I get out at least once a week for a run on the hills and have a good catch up and a laugh and always finish the run with a big grin on our faces. Exercise has a direct link with improving you mental well being, even more so when you are exercising with a friend. This challenge will test both our physical and mental endurance, however we have all the motivation we need.”

Good luck to the team! You can sponsor via their Go Fund Me page here.

18 May

Mindstep Burpee Challenge

22 August

Natalie & Zak's 12 Hour Mudder for Mindstep